Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hey Guys How is everything?
 Just got done touring some temple ruins from the 14th century. Took some pictures that will make your head spin right off your goddamn shoulders. Course, it is hard to take bad pictures of these ethereal ruins. Very good day today. Walking around these mystical ruins really transports you back in time, very hard to put into words how special I found them...It was a cloudy day and flat light was an issue, so I put my camera to sepia tone, used my tripod, and wala...a couple framers, for sure. Getting ready to hop on another cockroach infested train for 12 hours. If you pay extra, you get a bed. We call that...a no brainer. A little disconcerting waking up to discover cockroahes running around under your bed, but I call it "charactor building". Between the tarantule sized spider (literally) I woke up next to 2 weeks ago to the thumb sized cockroaches I had in my bungalow4 nights ago, I've built enough charactor that it's leaking out my f-ing ears. Saw a double feature the other night in downtown Bangkok. They have a VIP theatre that has sofas and blankets-by far, the nicest movie theatre I've ever been in. By far. And themovies work out to about 3.50 a flick. At those prices, I don't even need to sneak in to another theater, though you couldn't anyways. (guards walking around. They take commerce quite seriously, apparently). Got lost walking home and then foolish pride prevented me from hailing a cab. Almost tripped over a rat the size of a decent kitten. Saw a street vendor selling fried, batterred crickets and other arachnids. Finally found my damn hotel and decided to celebrate with second dinner at a very non-descript restaurant that I was the only white person in. And that's when I had...the best dinner yet in Thailand. Minced pork cooked in lime juice, with red chili peppers, huge chunks of garlic, so many basil leaves it looked like a salad, and green beans. The stomach ache I recieved shortly thereafter did not stop me from going back the next night and ordering the same exact thing (and getting the same exact stomache). The next day started off with me taking a cab to the immigration center to get a visa extension. This place makes the Boston Driver's registry look like goddamn Mr. Rogers Neighbor hood. Finally, after an excruciating wait in a line where people have no personal space (even ripped some nasty red chili pepper farts, but curiously, in no way did they deter these people from pressing up against me). Finally, the lady in a bored voice (no matter where in the world you are, it's always an out of shape lady with a bored voice) told me it was 2500 baht, which is almost 100 dollars. After glaring at her and ripping another startingly loud chili fart, I decided just to take a train up towards Laos, where you can literally hop across the border, get your passport stamped and then come back into the that is where I'm heading, just hanging out in this "rustic" internet cafe, waiting for my train. ho hum Starting to really like this country, so full of rich history and vibrant people. Even know a couple thai words, though I'm sure I'm horribly mispronouncing. It's syllable you whisper, and the next you shout...very strange. It's taken a few weeks, but I feel like I'm finally in the groove. Have taken quite a liking to the fishermen pants, which are basically lightweight glorified pajama bottoms that come down halfway between your knees and ankles...beyond comfortable. Sleeveless shirts are also the way to go, gotta let those pits breathe. Well, gotta jet, will keep everyone up to date. Hope everyone is doing well...Steve

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Angel and White Horse

 Dear Irish,

aaah Patagonia....

Pristine ice-capped peaks and fijords, rivers azure with glacial silt, lush meadows of alpine wildflowers...Who wouldn't want to go? I'd sure like to experience it someday.

A quite vivid mental picture is building: You with knapsack filled to the brim with flatbreads, Fanta Orange soda and Penguin Jerky; dancing along a Heidi-esque trail just below tree-line, socks pulled high, shorts cut low. Whistling the same melody that caught your ear at the train depot, coming from the lips of an elderly farmer, all the while you were staring at the lushious derriere of his daughter. As you prance across jagged rock faces and traverse meadows of summer blooming lilacs, the sweet smell of satisfaction fills the air.....aaaahh to be young and in Patagonia

viva Minnesota!
-keep your puck on the ice

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Go Greyhound

wow - greyhound to riverton...>>an escape from reality or a visitation of the past? I would probably not >attempt the feat, but in the right mind I can see the charm. if it was my >trip, I would wear a space suit - just to clarify who the real freaks are >on the bus. carry your personal effects in a plastic pumpkin named >"Johnny". good luck .>> >>my brother took AMTRAK from Salt Lake City to Indianapolis for $135 (35 >hours/no bed/change in Chicago) unfortunately, AMTRAK doesnt go to Wyoming >- im pretty sure

Desparate in DB

dear desparate in dubois,

of course you should boink her, its always the right thing to do. she's 23 and has a kid, so she probably hasn't been "dating" too much lately. since she's in skool that means that she's trying to do the right thing and get an education - maybe she dropped out of high school when she had the kid. But, she doesn't want to miss the best years of her life just because she has a little baby to deal with now. She ain't dumb, she's gone through quite a bit in her shitty life in Riverton and learned a lot - on the other hand, having a baby means she hasn't seen a lot too. Odds are - she's never been out of Riverton, or maybe the state, in a while if ever. the age is NOT the problem, she's looking for a man - not a boy that'll knock her up again. this could be your golden ticket - so I'd go for it. ask her to lunch, offer to help with her other subjects, change her oil; but don't spend too much time opening this bag of crazy - you wanna know what she looks like naked, you don't want her askin you to watch her kid. plus, you ain't got time for bullshit - you are balls deep in skool, just lookin for some side action.

yours truly,
